반응형 분류 전체보기285 캠브리지 아이엘츠 단어 2단원정리/정신과 육체발달 Cambridge English Vocabulary for IELTS 2.Mental and physical development The body, the mind 출처는 한글은 네이버, 영어는 캠브리지 crawl/기어가다 : to move slowly or with difficulty, especially with your body stretched out along the ground or on hands and knees: The child crawled across the floor. Milestone : an important event in the development or history of something or in someone's life: There are some milestone.. 2020. 11. 29. 캠브리지 아이엘츠단어 1단원정리/ 성장 Cambridge English Vocabulary for IELTS 1. Growing up Relationsihps, families and early learning 출처는 한글은 네이버, 영어는 캠브리지 have sth in common/공통점이 있다.: to share interests, experiences, or other characteristics with someone or something: We don't really have much in common. (공통점이 없어) approachable/말 붙이기쉬운 : friendly and easy to talk to: Graham's always very approachable - why don't you talk the problem.. 2020. 11. 29. 캠브리지 아이엘츠 단어 3단원정리 /건강유지 Cambridge English Vocabulary for IELTS 3.Keeping Fit Diet, health and exercise 출처는 한글은 네이버, 영어는 캠브리지 diet/식사, 식습관 : the food and drink usually eaten or drunk by a person or group: Diet varies between different countries in the world. dietitian/영양사 : a person who scientifically studies and gives advice about food and eating serving/ (음식의)1인분 : an amount of one type of food that is given to one pe.. 2020. 11. 29. 가능성의 조동사 ※ 조동사 란 ? : 동사가 extra 한 의미를 가지게 해준다. (능력, 충고, 가능성, 의무, 필수등) 형태 : 조동사 + 동사 원형 Can/could 능력 I can speak 3 languages Should 충고 You should study more Must 의무 He must apply for the job Might/could/may 가능성 She might go to the movies tonight 가능성의 조동사 : 지금 가능할것 같은것이나 미래에 가능할것 같은것을 나타낼수있다. Might/could/may 는 possible/maybe 의 뜻을 가진다. Might/could 는 매우 common 하며, may는 매우 formal 하며 상대적으로 볼때 자주 쓰이는 편은 아니다. 긍정 .. 2020. 11. 26. 가정법 정리 2 2020/11/26 - [분류 전체보기] - 가정법 정리 1 가정법 정리 1 가정법 정리 1 Name Form time Function Example Zero conditional If +present,present Present Use this conditional to show an outcome that happens if a specific repeated condition is met - If he.. eictionary.tistory.com 위에 링크 가셔서 먼저 보고 오시면 좋아요 !! 가정법 정리 2 The Second Conditional (Unreal conditional) Pattern : If + past, would +base verb #1 The verb in the if cla.. 2020. 11. 26. 가정법 정리 1 가정법 정리 1 First conditional #1 the verb in the if clause is a simple present verb, and the verb in the main clause is will + base form of the verb. A sentence can begin with either clause with no change in meaning. Remember that a sentence that begins with an if clause is followed by a comma. If it’s sunny tomorrow, I will go to the beach. #2 It is possible to have a negative verb in the if claus.. 2020. 11. 26. 이전 1 ··· 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 ··· 48 다음