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캠브리지 아이엘츠 단어 2단원정리/정신과 육체발달

by 교육의 기울기 2020. 11. 29.

Cambridge English Vocabulary for IELTS

2.Mental and physical development
The body, the mind


출처는 한글은 네이버, 영어는 캠브리지

crawl/기어가다 : to move slowly or with difficulty, especially with your body stretched out along the ground or on hands and knees:

The child crawled across the floor.

Milestone : an important event in the development or history of something or in someone's life:

There are some milestones in that procedure.

Cognitive/인식의 : relating to or involving the processes of thinking and reasoning:

Studies show a connection between aerobic exercise and cognitive ability.

cognitive power/인식력

cognitive science/인지 과학

cognitive development/ 인지발달

Infant/유아 : a baby or a very young child:

Infancy/유아기 : the time when someone is a baby or a very young child:

Toddler/걸음마배우는애 : a young child, especially one who is learning or has recently learned to walk

make-belive/가장, 상상: believing or imagining things that appear to be attractive or exciting, but are not real:

He lives in a world of make-believe/make-believe world.
Most of this stories are make-believe and funny to read it.

mature(V)/성숙해지다, 어른스러워지다 : to become more developed mentally and emotionally and behave in a responsible way:

Wow you've matured since we met last time.

Girls are said to mature faster than boys.

reach maturity/성숙해지다, 만기가되다

maturity/성숙함, 성숙한상태 : the quality of behaving mentally and emotionally like an adult

mature(adj)/성숙한 : Mature people behave like adults in a way that shows they are well developed emotionally:

I seem to be mature than other peers / 난 또래들 보다 성숙해보인다.
He's very mature for his age.

acquire/얻다, 습득하다(능력으로) : to obtain or begin to have something:

She has acquired a good knowledge of English. 

그녀는 훌륭한 영어 지식을 습득했다.

imitiate /흉내내다.: copy people

The bird imitiates all of the sound that they heard / 그 새는 걔네가 들은 모든 소리를 흉내낸다.
My four-year-old daughter is always trying to imitate her older sister.

parental/부모의 : relating to parents or to being a parent:

parental leave 육아휴가

parenteal controls /자녀 보호기능

momentarily/잠깐동안, 곧 : for a very short time:

She was momentarily confused by the foreign road signs.
I was momentarily confused when i confronted that thing for the first time/ 처음 그것을 마주했을때 나는 순간 당황했다.

as far as sth is concerned /~에 관해서는: if we are discussing or thinking about a particular thing:

As far as unemployment's concerned, a change of policy on job creation would be a good idea.
As far as Covid-19 is concerned, It's going to be soon to develop the vaccines about December

tantrum/ (특히아이가)울화통,짜증 :a sudden period of uncontrolled anger like a young child's:

Charlie had/threw a tantrum in the shop because I wouldn't buy him any sweets.

take turns /교대로 하다,번갈아하다.: 

he has learned to take turns in games and spontaneously expresses affecton.
/그는 게임에서 턴제를 배우고 동시에 애정을 표현하는걸 배웠어

overcrowd/혼잡하게하다: to make a place contain too many people or things: 

As the mouth is not yet fully developed this may cause overcrowding.


I guess most airports would be overcrowded with people who will have wanted to travel since the end of the COVID-19.

peer/비슷한 또래 : a person of the same age, the same social position, or having the same abilities as other people in a group:

I'm the richest in peers

self-conscious /남의 시선을 의식하는 : uncomfortable about yourself and worried about disapproval from other people:

She was self-conscious about her weight.

He is so self-conscious, so he wouldn't say his opinion/ 그는 남의 눈을 너무 의식해서 자기의견을 말하려하지않아

rebel against/~에대해 저항하다 :to fight against the government:

The people rebelled against the harsh new government.

unparalleled/어디 비할데가 없는, 이것보다 좋을수는 없는, 어떤것보다 좋은 : having no equal; better or greater than any other:

They enjoyed success on a scale unparalleled by any previous rock band.
That was unparalleled opportunity to develop my career.

clumsy/어설픈,서투른 : A clumsy person often has accidents because they do not behave in a careful, controlled way:

you are so clumsy

spurt/뿜어져 나오다. : to (cause to) flow out suddenly and with force, in a fast stream:

Blood was spurting out all over the place.

The volcano spurted

hypothetically/가설로, 가설을 근거로 :in a way that is imagined or suggested but not necessarily real or true:

Any electronic voting system is hypothetically hackable.

indulgent /보통 못마땅함(자기) 하고 싶은 대로 다 하게 놔두는: allowing someone to have or do what they want, especially when this is not good for them:

indulgent parents/응석을 다받아주는 부모

overindulgent /너무 방임하는 : allowing someone to have more of something enjoyable than is good for them: 

In part, the researchers pointed to overindulgent adults for raising children to believe they are "special" no matter what they do.

tolerant / 관대한,아량있는, 나랑 의견달라도 잘 받아들이는 : willing to accept behaviour and beliefs that are different from your own, although you might not agree with or approve of them:

He has a very tolerant attitude towards other religions. 

Mind 관련 단어 

keep an open mind : try not to judge before you know the facts


I'll try to keep an open mind not to judge black and white by my prejudice

bear in mind/ 명심해라 : remember


Bear in mind what i said : 내가 한말 명심해.


From now we are going to be on air, please bear it in mind/ 지금부터 방송할 예정이니까 명심해줘.

have something in mind : have an idea


수사중,.... Do you have something about his appearance in mind?

have something on your mind : be worried about something


please tell me what you have something on your mind. i have right to hear .what are you hiding?

my mind went blank /머리가 하얘졌어.: i couldn't remember a thing

it slipped my mind : i forgot


the lyrics sliped my mind and my mind went blank, so i messed up the party.

put your mind at ease : stop you from worrying


You should put your mind at ease. if you carry on like that, you will ruin your stuffs

broaden the mind : increase your knowledge

Trip will broden my mind... just my opinion

Memory관련 단어 

reminisce/추억담을 나누다,추억에 잠기다. : to talk or write about past experiences that you remember with pleasure:

My grandfather used to reminisce about his years in the navy.

look back : to think about something that happened in the past:

When I look back I can see where we went wrong.




