Cambridge English Vocabulary for IELTS
1. Growing up
Relationsihps, families and early learning
출처는 한글은 네이버, 영어는 캠브리지
have sth in common/공통점이 있다.: to share interests, experiences, or other characteristics with someone or something:
We don't really have much in common.
(공통점이 없어)
approachable/말 붙이기쉬운 : friendly and easy to talk to:
Graham's always very approachable - why don't you talk the problem over with him?
as though = as if
out of touch with : ~랑 더이상 연락안하다.
grandad : grandfather
nurture/양육하다 : help someone/something develop and grow
She wants to stay at home and nurture her children.
accomodating/잘협조하는: eager or willing to give what is needed to someone:
The airline could not have been more accommodating (= willing to help) in getting me on a connecting flight.
He was accommodating to the investigation.
sibling : brother or sister
adolescence /청소년기: the stage btw childhood and adulthood
Any person in adolescence usually rebel agaist their parents
rewarding/보람있는 :giving a lot of pleasure ,satisfying or beneficial:
a rewarding experience
interaction =communication
endure/견디다 :to suffer something difficult, unpleasant, or painful:
We had to endure a nine-hour delay at the airport.
She's already had to endure three painful operations on her leg.
I had to endure a year of work. Beacause of the retirement money
sophisticated /세련된,교양있는: having a good understanding of the way people behave and/or a good knowledge of culture and fashion:
She was slim, svelte, and sophisticated.
preschooler/미취학 아동: a child who is not old enough to go to formal school
close-knit/긴밀히 맺어진 : caring and supportive
Our family is close-knit
ties : the emotional connection between people or places
alike/(명사앞에 안씀) 비슷한(adj), 비슷하게(adv) : similar
My supervisor tried to treat us alike. but it didn't work (adv)
Me and my sister are alike. (adj)
temperament /기질, 신경질적임: your nature or character
you have a artistic temperament
stubborn /고집센: A stubborn person is determined to do what he or she wants and refuses to do anything else:
The elderly usually stubborn, especially in korea
inherit : handed down through a family
I'm jealous of people inherited enormous wealth by their parents, although they didn't anything by themselves
maternal : behaving or feeling in the way that a mother does towards her child, especially in a kind, loving way:
She is maternal to coworkers
striking : very unusual or easily noticed, and therefore attracting a lot of attention:
She bears a striking resemblance to her mother.
Her appearance was so striking so, i couldn't let my eyes to other things
rivalry : a situation in which people, businesses, etc. compete with each other for the same thing:
There's such rivalry among/between my three sons.
We were rivalry in grades
upbringing(양육,훈육) : the way in which you are treated and educated when young, especially by your parents, especially in relation to the effect that this has on how you behave and make moral decisions:
Is it right to say all the crimes he committed were simply the result of his upbringing?
Most parents aren't aware of what is right upbringing. so there are always mistakes.
resemblance (닮음, 유사함): the fact that two people or things look like each other or are similar in some other way:
There was a clear family resemblance between all the brothers.
instinct(본능, 직감) : the way people or animals naturally react or behave, without having to think or learn about it:
All his instincts told him to stay near the car and wait for help.
자주 쓰이는 합성어들
immediate family/ 직계 가족
extended family / 대가족 사촌포함
family gathering/ 가족 모임
sibling rivalry /형제간, 동기간의 경쟁
stable upbringing / 안정적인 가정교육
active role / 결정적 적극적인 역할
family resemblance / 가족의 유사성
physical resemblance / 육체적인 닮음
striking resemblance / 눈에 띄게 닮음
maternal instinct / 모성본능
She like a man who draws her maternal instincs
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