반응형 분류 전체보기285 Friends season 2 episode 19 : Words (프렌즈 2-19 단어) Friends season2 epi19 Words -jaunty :showing that you are happy and confident: a jaunty grin/step When he came back his hat was at a jaunty angle and he was smiling. -awful : extremely bad or unpleasant: He suffered awful injuries in the crash. We had awful weather. -cachet : a quality of someone or something that makes it especially attractive or admirable: the cachet of the Ivy League schools .. 2020. 10. 2. Friends season2 episode 18 : Words (프렌즈 2-18 단어) Friends season 2 episode 18 words half-brother : a brother who is the son of only one of your parents grotesque : very strange and unpleasant, especially in a ridiculous or slightly frightening way get along :If two or more people get along, they like each other and are friends. remedy :something that makes you better when you are sick green- : relating to nature and protecting the environment l.. 2020. 10. 2. Friends season2 episode 16 : Words (프렌즈 2-16 단어) March :(단호한태도로) 걸어가다 Twinkie : 바보, 얼간이 Hang in there : 견뎌, 버티다, 힘내 = do not give up brew : 양조하다, (커피, 차등을) 끓이다. Cocoon : safe, quiet place, 번데기 bimbo : a young woman considered to be attractive but not intelligent Can we drop this? : =Can we stop this? Once in a while : 평소에 *while : a length of time - for a while : for a long time - in a while : soon silverware : objects mad of silver bent out o.. 2020. 10. 2. English Diary : Small talk(2020.09.22) How was your day? Today was not so good because my work was little tough today. But I could stand it. because.. it’s work.. So how was your last weekend? Um.. it was bad and funny. It’s weird to understand right? (laugh). last weekend, my subordinate broke a Mercury manometer, which is a liquid,,,Hg. it squirted out though the hole of the manometer and spread all over in Container. So I had to g.. 2020. 10. 2. English Diary : Small talk(2020.09.11) 2020.09.11 Where were you on September 11th? 나는 그당시에 교회안에 있는 유치원에 다니고 있었어요. 왜냐하면 교회안이 유치원은 공짜거든요. 그리고 그때 살면서 컴퓨터 게임을 배웠어요. 거기에 계시던 수녀분이 스타크래프트를 가르쳐 줬거든요. 아직도 기억에 남는게 마린을 조작하는 방법을 가르쳐줬는데 그게 저에게 큰충격이 였는지 아직도 머릿속에 생생하네요. 그리고 나서는 완전히 중독이 되서 유치원을 다녀와서도 집에서 컴퓨터 게임을 하곤했어요. I went to kindergarden in a church at that time.. Because the church ran the kindergarden for free. And at the first time I learned.. 2020. 10. 2. English Diary : Anger (2020.09.09) Today RT Team it mean radiography came to work So I returned office and then studied And then my coworker came to work suddenly to study and then he came here and had night meal and came back home after a hour. I think he didn’t have to be here for 1 hour study. Then I slept on desk from 2 to 5 and then get off my work. Fucking bitches… if I had done wrong something, you could’ve just told me wh.. 2020. 10. 2. 이전 1 ··· 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 ··· 48 다음