반응형 분류 전체보기285 불평형 고장 , Asymetrical Fault Analysis Assymetrical Fault Analysis Lesson Summary Introduction LINE to ground fault Line to line fault Double line to ground fault Instructional Objective On completion of this lesson a student should be able to: A. Develop sequence network connections for L-G L-L 2L-G faults B. Solve for fault current in case of L-G fault C. Solve for fault current in case of L-L fault D. Solve for fault current in ca.. 2020. 11. 8. 대칭 좌표법, Symmetrical component analysis Symmetrical component analysis Summary 1.소개 2.대칭 좌표법으로의 변환 3.Sequence network for PS component 4.Sequence network for power system 1. 소개 평형고장에서는 한상을 기준으로 분석할수가 있다. 왜냐하면 모든 상은 크기가 동일하고 위상은 120도 떨어져 있기때문에 한상의 전류와 전압을 안다면 다른상의 전류와 전압을 알수있다. 하지만 다른 타입의 고장(불평형고장)에는 일반적인 방법으로는 구해내기가 힘들기 때문에 대칭좌표법이라는 수학적인 테크닉을 사용하여 풀어낸다. 2. Symmetrical Component Transformation -C.L.Fortescue 가개발 -3상시스템의 분석과 디자인을 위한 모델링.. 2020. 10. 19. English Diary 영어일기 (2020.10.06) Toothache Teeth I don’t usually buy sweet and sticky things to teeth like caramel or candy. Because when I eat these kind of things, it makes my tongue and teeth feel icky And it makes my mouth smelly and not fresh So I usually but some chips as snack When I was 20, I went to dentist’s and I had 11 rotten teeth. It was shocking to me. And it cost 800000 won which is discounted from 880000. And after then .. 2020. 10. 13. Friends season2 episode 22 : Words (프렌즈 2-22 단어) 2-22 Poach :to cook something such as a fish, or an egg with its shell removed, by putting it in gently boiling water or other liquid: We had poached eggs for breakfast. Do you like pears poached in red wine? Committee : a small group of people chosen to represent a larger organization and either make decisions or collect information for it: She sits on/is on the school's development committee. .. 2020. 10. 8. Friends season2 episode 21 : Words (프렌즈 2-21 단어) On behalf of : representing: On behalf of the entire company, I would like to thank you for all your work. Unfortunately, George cannot be with us today so I am pleased to accept this award on his behalf. She wasn't able to be present, so I signed the letter in her behalf. Would like : used to say politely that you want something: I think I'd like the soup for my starter. I'd like to go to Mosco.. 2020. 10. 2. Friends season2 episode 20 : Words (프렌즈 2-20 단어) Frontier :a line or border between two countries or areas Rabies : a serious disease of the nervous system that can cause death. Rabies can be passed on to humans by other animals: Dogs, cats, foxes, and bats can all carry rabies. Leftover : food that remains uneaten at the end of a meal After the party, there were a bunch of leftover food Bruise : a dark area on your skin where you have been hu.. 2020. 10. 2. 이전 1 ··· 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 ··· 48 다음