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캠브리지 아이엘츠 단어 4단원정리/삶에 관한 단어들

by 교육의 기울기 2020. 12. 1.

Cambridge English Vocabulary for IELTS

life, leisure
삶에 관한 단어들


출처는 한글은 네이버, 영어는 캠브리지


ups and downs /좋다가 나쁘다가는 : If someone or something experiences ups and downs, a mixture of good and bad things happens to him, her, or it:

Life has its ups and downs/ 삶은 기복이있다. 왔다 갔다해~

Live life on the edge : 모험적인 삶을 살다.
on the edge 라는게 가장자리 라는 뜻이니까 끝자락에 살아서 짜릿짜릿하다.. 뭐 그런뜻

outlook/전망, 사고방식 : the likely future situation:
The outlook for the economy is bleak.

positive outlook

colour/ 색칠하다.(v) : to become a particular colour, or to make something a particular colour:
Do you think he colours his hair?

glass half full or empty/ 반이나 남았네?, 반밖에 안남았네?

the glass is half empty : used to refer to an attitude of always thinking about the bad things in a situation rather than the good ones:

A pessimist says the glass is half empty but an optimist says that it is half full.

the glass is half full : used to refer to an attitude of always thinking about the good things in a situation rather than the bad ones:

Align yourself with people who think the glass is half full.



life 와 living 의 비교


: Life 는 삶과 죽음 사이의 기간을 나타내고 싶을때 쓰이고
living은 어떤 살아간다는것 을 표현할때 쓰임
예문을 몇개 보자.

Going to the desert was a once in a lifetime opportunity for me

It was a lifelong ambition of mine to travel to the Arctic Circle.

In my job as a nurse i get to meet people from all walks of life

위 예문들을 보면 life 는 전 삶을 걸친 기간을 말하려고 하고있고 

The standard of living in my country is very good

A rise in petrol prices inevitably leads to a rise in the cost of living.

i'm jealous of you. because you've found a way to make a living from your hobby.

Living expenses is rising now.

living은 어떤것을 위해서 살아간다는것, 살아있다는것을 표현하려할때 쓰임





Leisure 관련단어들

Strong feeling : intense sense

Take part in : participate in

desire to win : sence of competition

Satisfy people's desire : fulfill their need

type of person you are : your personality

A feeling of doing what  you have alays wanted to do : personal fulfilment

a deep understanding : insight

a feature of : aspect

something that is done for enjoyment in your free time : leisure activity, hobby, recreational activity.



achieve a goal / 목표를 달성하다
achieve a balance /균형을 맞추다

make a living / 생계를 꾸리다, 먹고살다. 
make a chance / 기회를 만들다.
make a decision / 결정하다
make a choice / 선택하다.

meet a need /요구에 맞추다. 

miss an opportunity /r기회를 놓치다
miss a chance /기회를 놓치다.

play a role /역할을 하다.

put pressure(on) /~에게압력을가하다. 부담주다

set a goal /목표를 세우다
take a chance /모험치고 해보다  : do something without being sure of success
take an opportunity /기회를 얻다


삶에대한 질문지 ( 서로 의견나누면 좋을거같아요 *^^)




1.Do you think people work too much nowadays?
No, i don't. I think these days people value their time more than money. 
so they just work for living, not achieving something they want. 
2.What do you like to do to relax?
i play some music on youtube videos and put on my headphone.  
then lie on a bed. and just chillaxing. that's all about relax for me. 
that makes me really comfortable and i don't have to think anything.
3.What is your idea of a perfect day?
i think perfect day occurs when your whole day has reasonable cause. i mean if you are relaxing . there has to be a reason why you take a relax an hour.  i know it's very hard to have a justification to every single time. that's why it's hard to talk about expression of 'perfect'
4.How would you describe your attitude to life?
 My attitude to life is 'Don't waste your time.' I've already talked about this. i always try to make a reasonable justification into my every single time. the time you wasted might be a very valuable for some peo
So that thought become a motivation not to waste my time. so i try to value my time.






1.Do you think people work too much nowadays?
No, I don't. I think these days people value their time more than money. People just work for living, and don't care about achieving something they want.
2.What do you like to do to relax?
I put some music from Youtube and put play it through my headphones. then I lay down in my bed. and just chill. that's all I do to relax. Doing this makes me really comfortable and I don't have to think of anything.
3.What is your idea of a perfect day?
i think a perfect day occurs when your whole day has a reasonable cause.if you are relaxing . there has to be a reason why you take relax for an hour. i know it's very hard to have a justification for every single time. that's why it's hard to talk about the expression of 'perfect'
4.How would you describe your attitude to life?
My attitude to life is 'Don't waste your time.' I've already talked about this. I always try to make a reasonable justification for what i do every single time I do something. The time you waste might be a very valuable for some people. So that thought became a motivation not to waste my time. so I try to value it as much as I can.
