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캠브리지 아이엘츠 단어 3단원정리 /건강유지

by 교육의 기울기 2020. 11. 29.

Cambridge English Vocabulary for IELTS

3.Keeping Fit
Diet, health and exercise


출처는 한글은 네이버, 영어는 캠브리지


diet/식사, 식습관 :

the food and drink usually eaten or drunk by a person or group:

Diet varies between different countries in the world.

dietitian/영양사 : a person who scientifically studies and gives advice about food and eating

serving/ (음식의)1인분 : an amount of one type of food that is given to one person:


The quantities given in the recipe should be enough for four servings.

serve : (식당등에서음식을) 제공하다, 차려주다, 시중을들다 : to provide food or drinks:

Do they serve meals in the bar?


a part or share of something larger:

A large portion of the company's profits is ploughed back into new projects.

the amount of a particular food that is enough for one person, especially in a restaurant, etc.:

Bar food, lunchtime and evening, comes in generous portions.

moderate/ 적당한, 중간의 : neither small nor large in size, amount, degree, or strength:

The cabin is of moderate size - just right for a small family.

tempt /(좋지않은일을하도록)유혹하다,( 어떤것을 제의하거나하여) 유도하다 :
to make someone want to have or do something, especially something that is unnecessary or wrong:


The offer of free credit tempted her into buying a new car.

Don't be tempted to order a larger size when eating out.

curb/ (특히 좋지못한것을) 억제하다 : to control or limit something that is not wanted: The government should act to curb tax evasion.

you have to curb your appetite

ingredient/ (특히 요리등의) 재료[성분] : 
a food that is used with other foods in the preparation of a particular dish:
The list of ingredients included 250 g of almonds.

eliminate/제거하다 : totally remove

You don't need to eliminate all of your favorite food

trigger/촉발 시키다 : activate : to cause something to start:
Some people find that certain foods trigger their headaches.

artery/ 동맥 : one of the thick tubes that carry blood from the heart to other parts of the body:
Hardening of the coronary arteries can lead to a heart attack.

debilitate/약화시키다. : to make someone or something physically weak:
Chemotherapy exhausted and debilitated him.

by far/ 훨씬

work sth off : If you work off an unpleasant feeling, you get rid of it by doing something energetic:

She works off stress by running for at least half an hour every day.

heart rate/ 심박수

briskly/ 활발히, 씩씩하게 : in a quick, energetic way:
She walked briskly into town.

treatment/ 치료, 대우 : the way you deal with or behave towards someone or something:
Peter gets special treatment because he knows the boss.

staple/ 주요한, 주된 : basic or main; standard or regular:
The staple diet here is mutton, fish and boiled potatoes.

be unlikely (to)/개연성이 낮다. : not probable or likely to happen:
[ + (that) ] It's pretty unlikely (that) they'll turn up now - it's nearly ten o'clock.

Pre-packaged foods/ 가공식품, 기성품

additive/ 첨가물  :a substance that is added to food in order to improve its taste or appearance or to keep it fresh and stop it from decaying:

food additives


건강(health) 관련해서 자주 쓰는 단어들


명사 : 

health benefits, health risks, health problems 
/ 보험사에서 자주 쓰일수도 있음 예를 들어 
accident and health benefit/보험사나, 정부에서 받는 (사고로인한)보조금
health risk assessment/ 보험금 정하기 위해서 만든 질문평가

health care /의료 서비스: the providing of medical services:
hospitals and other health-care providers

health education/ 보건 교육

health system/보건 시스템, 보건제도

형용사 : in good health, in poor health, in excellent health

몸을 표현하는것 외 표현 : healthy appetite, healthy diet, healthy economy, healthy disrespect for authority

"healthy disrespect for authority" : 구글링 해보니까 oxymoron ( 형용모순, 자기모순) 기법으로 쓰이는 용어라고한다.

예를 들어 '침묵의 소리' 'open secret' 같이 서로 맞지 않는 단어의 조합으로 독자에게 생각하게 만드는 기법이라고한다.

즉 문맥에 따라 숨겨진 뜻이 있게 되는 것이다.


아래글은 다른 글에서 퍼온것이다.  대충 어떤 뜻인지 감이 오는가 lang-8.com/386288/journals/1585148


If Donald Trump asked me to do anything, I would refuse because I have a healthy disrespect for his authority.
He has authority as a President, and I can respect that. However, I consider him an idiot, so I also disrespect him. I consider my disrespect "healthy" because it is good for me and (in my opinion) for him. That is, the best thing I can do is disrespect is wishes because I do not agree with most of what he preaches. I would not follow Hitler in a battle and I would not follow Trump.
For example, Trump recent referred to the US Army as "my army" and the officers as "my officers." Fortunately, the army officers had a healthy disrespect for him and said, "Sir, it is not your army and we are not your officers. We are the US Army and officers working for the country, not for you." I would say the officers had a healthy disrespect for Trump

Word BUild 


Noun Verb Adjective
allergy   allergic
benefit benefit beneficial
harm harm harmful
opp. = harmless
health   healthy
opp. = unhealthy
infection infect
opp. = disinfect
nutrition nourish nutrious
obesity /비만   obese/ 비만인
recommendation recommend recommeded
variety/다양성,여러가지 vary/(자타동사다있음) 다르다. 달리하다 various




[an unvoiced sound as in think/번데기]  [a voiced sound as in this] 
bath, birth, breath, death, growth, health, mouth, teeth  bathe, breathe, writhe, mouth(v), teethe 

대체 단어

variety of : lot of different 

very very important : vital

regular : in a fixed pattern

quickly : briskly

gradually : little by little

recommendation : a strong suggestion

pace : speed

overdoing : doing sth to excess

get better : recover

alternate : every second one









3단원 test practice 단어 정리


prehistoric/선사시대의 : describing the period before there were written records:

prehistoric man/humans/animals

adaptation/적응 : the process of changing to suit different conditions:

The documentary is about corruption, crime and human adaptation to difficult circumstances.

threat/위협,위험 : a suggestion that something unpleasant or violent will happen, especially if a particular action or order is not followed:

[ + to infinitive ] Her parents carried out their threat to take away her mobile phone if her grades didn't improve.

asset/자산 : a useful or valuable quality, skill, or person:

He'll be a great asset to the team.

acute stress/급성 스트레스

acute/급성의;극심한;예민한 :

1. In medicine, acute describes severe conditions, illnesses, or injuries that need immediate care: acute appendicitis 

2.If a bad situation is acute, it causes severe problems or damage:

She felt acute embarrassment/anxiety/concern at his behaviour.

The problem of poverty is particularly acute in rural areas./가난의 문제는 특히 극심하다

There is an acute shortage of water. 

3.used to describe intelligence, senses, etc. that are very good, accurate, and able to notice very small differences:

acute eyesight/hearing
an acute sense of smell/예민한 후각
There is an acute shortage of water. 
Dogs have an acute sense of smell./개는 예민한 후각을 가졌다.

onset/(특히 불쾌한일의)시작 : the moment at which something unpleasant begins:

the onset of winter

accomplishment/업적,완수  : something that is successful, or that is achieved after a lot of work or effort: 
Getting the two leaders to sign a peace treaty was his greatest accomplishment.

threaten/위협하다, 위태롭게하다 : to tell someone that you will kill or hurt them or cause problems if they do not do what you want:

They threatened the shopkeeper with a gun.

controversial/논란이 많은 : causing disagreement or discussion:
a controversial issue/decision/speech/figure

clear-cut/명백한 : clear or obvious without needing any proof:

apt(adj)/적절한, ~하는 경향이있는 : suitable or right for a particular situation:

an apt comment/description

be apt to do sth/be apt to be sth/~하는 경향이 있는 : to be likely to do something or to often do something:
The kitchen roof is apt to (= likely to) leak when it rains.

account for/ 설명하다, 처리하다, 차지하다. :
to explain the reason for something or the cause of something:

marital/ 결혼(생활)의 : connected with marriage:
They've been having marital problems, apparently.

counteract/(무엇의악영향에)대응하다 : to reduce or remove the effect of something unwanted by producing an opposite effect:
Drinking a lot of water counteracts the dehydrating effects of hot weather.

tension/(심리적)긴장[불안] : a feeling of nervousness before an important or difficult event:

lean/군살이 없는 : Lean meat has little fat.

abdominal/복부의,복근 : in, forming, or relating to the abdomen:

abdominal pains

hyperactivity/과다활동 : (of a person) the state of having more energy than is normal, becoming excited easily, and being unable to stay still or think about work:
Their son has been diagnosed with a hyperactivity disorder.

thyroid (gland)/갑상선 : a gland (= organ) in the front of the neck that helps to control growth and chemical processes in the body

anorexia/거식증 : a serious mental illness in which a person does not eat, or eats too little, often resulting in dangerous weight loss :

Reports of anorexia and other eating disorders are on the increase.

bulimia/식욕이상항진증 : a mental illness in which someone eats in an uncontrolled way and in large amounts, then vomits intentionally

arthritis/관절염 : a serious condition in which a person's joints (= the places where two bones are connected) become painful, swollen, and stiff:
In later life she was crippled with arthritis.

intensify/ (정도,강도가)심해지다;심화시키다

rheumatoid arthritis/류마티스성 관절염  a disease that causes stiffness, swelling, and pain in the joints (= places where two bones are connected) of the body


predisposition/(병에대한 소인)

disturbance/방해,장애,소란 : something that interrupts someone or makes someone feel worried:
Residents are tired of the disturbance caused by the nightclub.

anticipation/예측,  기대 : a feeling of excitement about something that is going to happen in the near future:

Skiers look forward to the first snow of winter with eager anticipation.

