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[영어 비즈니스 이메일 예시] Formal 한 요청문

by 교육의 기울기 2022. 10. 12.

[영어 비즈니스 이메일 예시] Formal 한 요청문

영어 비즈니스 이메일 중 요청할 경우의 예시를 적어놓은 자료입니다.

두가지 영문 비즈니스 이메일을 적어놓았고

두 이메일의 차이를 보시길 바랍니다.



꼭 알아야 할 영어 비즈니스 이메일 보내는법

꼭 알아야 할 영어 비즈니스 이메일 보내는법 영어 메일을 보낼때, 이게 맞는 표현인지 항상 애매합니다. 비즈니스적인 표현이 맞는지 걱정되죠. 혹은 무례한 표현일까봐 걱정되기도해요.


위 글을 먼저 보시고 보면 좋습니다.


Dear Mr cha,

I'm writing in reference to the current situation with the Spanish's needs
We have a number of questions which we hope you could answer.
We would like to ask your advice on Spain

First of all, could you please provide us with what Spanish likes
We would also appreciate if you could clarify what the current issues with the delivery systems are

In addition, We asked Jamey to request a copy of the project report last weekends.
Unfortuneately, we have still not received it. 
We would appriciate if you could forword this to us.

Could you please also comfirm the result of the survey analysis?
And how many people you included in that survey?
In addition, We would like to have confirmation if the survey has some issues while conducting
We require this information as soon as possible.

And lastly, we are considering extending the period of the contract from 6 months to 1 year.

I would really appriciate it if you could deal with these matters urgently.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,

Mioon Novita
Product Planning Manager 



조금 덜 공적인 요청문

Hi Cindy,
I hope that everything is OK over there. I just have a few questions about the Spanish's needs

First, can you give me information about what Spanish likes?
I'd also appriciate if you could explain what the current issues with the delivery systems are.

Also, I asked Jamey to give me a copy of the project report last weekends.
I still haven't received it. Can you forward it to me?

Could you also comfirm the result of the survey analysis?
And how many people you included in that survey?
We'd especially like to have confirmation if the survey has some issues while conducting
We need this information as soon as possible.

And lastly, we are thinking about extending the period of the contract from 6 months to 1 year.

Please get back to me with the information as soon as possible


Mioon Novita
Product Planning Manager 

체크하면 좋은 단어들

위 이메일 중 어떤게 차이가 있는지 체크해보았습니다.

요청하다라는 단어로서 ask for 보다 공적인 단어입니다.
정보혹은 어떠한 서비스를 원할때 , 도움을 바랄때 쓸수있는단어입니다.
asked the person for << request

We ard considering
고려하고있다는 표현입니다. 단지 생각한다는 말보다 공적인단어입니다.
we are thinking about something << we are considering

First of all
질문 혹은 요청사항이 많을경우 상대방이 읽기 쉽도록 쓸수있는 표현입니다.
조금 덜 공적이게 한다면 just have a  few questions about 혹은 
we have a number of questions which we hope you could answer 을 사용하시면 됩니다.

In addition
또한 , also 보다 공적인 표현입니다.

필요하다, 원하다, 바라다의 공적인 표현
need의 경우 정중한 표현이지만 require의 경우가 더욱 formal합니다.
want 의 경우는 약간 공격적으로 들립니다. ( 나는 원해요...)
언제까지 필요하다라는 문장과 주로 같이 쓰입니다.

In particular
강조할때 쓸수있는 표현입니다. specifically 보다 공적인 느낌입니다.

explain 보다 공적인 표현입니다.



