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영어 공부/English Diary

English Diary : Small talk(2020.09.11)

by 교육의 기울기 2020. 10. 2.



  1. Where were you on September 11th?

    나는 그당시에 교회안에 있는 유치원에 다니고 있었어요. 왜냐하면 교회안이 유치원은 공짜거든요.
    그리고 그때 살면서 컴퓨터 게임을 배웠어요. 거기에 계시던 수녀분이 스타크래프트를 가르쳐 줬거든요.
    아직도 기억에 남는게 마린을 조작하는 방법을 가르쳐줬는데 그게 저에게 큰충격이 였는지 아직도 머릿속에 생생하네요.
    그리고 나서는 완전히 중독이 되서 유치원을 다녀와서도 집에서 컴퓨터 게임을 하곤했어요.

    I went to kindergarden in a church at that time.. Because the church ran the kindergarden for free.
    And at the first time I learned a computer game. The missionary taught me Starcraft.
    I have still remembered that she taught me how to move Marine, even though I was only 6 years old at that time.
    I think it was so shocking experience to me, so I still remember vividly.
    and then I fully addicted, so I always played the computer game after going back home.


  1. What word best describes 9/11?

     A: 글쎄요. 저는 단지 일하러가는 평일로 밖에 느껴지지 않네요.
     B: 나는 2001.09.11 3학년 11살이 였는데 아침에 밥을 먹으면서 뉴스를 보고 있었어요.
          그런데 저의 어머니가 큰일났다고. 테러가 발생했다고 하셨죠. 당시의 저는 그게 무슨뜻인지를 몰라서
         물어봤었어요. 그리고 학교에서 그것에대해서 이야기를 했었죠.

    A : Well,, it feels only just normal day for work to me.
    B : Okay, I’ll tell you my exp.(let me tell you my story) In 2001.09.11 I was 11 years old, and I was watching news with having breakfast.
          And my mom said it was so big deal and terror was happened. And I didn’t get it because I was too young to get it.
          So I asked my mom. And then in my school I was talking about it with my friends.


  1. Which locations did the 9/11 hijackers target?

    질문은 잘모르겠네요. 아무래도 제가 그당시에 6살이였다보니까 잘몰라요

    I don’t know this question. Because I was 6 years old back then.

  2. What happened to the US airspace on September 11th?

    아마 그떄 테러가 있었겠죠?

    Maybe Terror would be there.

  3. What is the Pentagon?

    미국의 국방부 같은거라고 하네요.




Today’s Word

- Commercial jet : a large plane that transports paying civilians
- On the scene : at the site where an event took place
- Collapse : to fall down completely in a sudden manner
- Evacuate : to leave a dangerous area
- A last resort : a final option to try when everything else has failed
- Headquarters : the central location for an organization or group
- Terror : extreme fear
- Cockpit : the location in a plane where the pilot operates from
- bucker : a safe place underground
- casualties : people who lost their lives
- bear : to withstand
- high alert : a heightened state of caution
- run into : encounter
- play innocent : pretend to not do it / 시치미 떼다.

