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Friends season 2 episode 19 : Words (프렌즈 2-19 단어)

by 교육의 기울기 2020. 10. 2.

 Friends season2 epi19 Words


-jaunty :showing that you are happy and confident:


a jaunty grin/step

When he came back his hat was at a jaunty angle and he was smiling.


-awful : extremely bad or unpleasant:


He suffered awful injuries in the crash.

We had awful weather.


-cachet : a quality of someone or something that makes it especially attractive or admirable:


the cachet of the Ivy League schools




 ligntning : a flash of bright light in the sky that is produced 

 by electricity moving between clouds or from clouds to the ground:


 bearer : a person whose job is to carry something, or a person who brings a message:

 He was a coffin bearer at his father's funeral.


-cruller : a small cake made of dough 

(= flour mixed with water, fat, eggs, and sugar) that is formed into a twisted shape, 

fried in deep fat or oil, and often then covered in sugar or sugar icing:


-phallic : representing, shaped like, or relating to the penis:


phallic symbolism/imagery



-things happen : used to tell someone not to worry about a mistake they have made, 

an accident they have caused etc


It’s not your fault – these things happen.


-neurosurgeon : a doctor who performs operations involving the brain or nerves


- roll with it


roll with (someone or something)


1. To associate and spend time with someone.

Tom's been rolling with some really shady people lately.

The celebrity always rolls with an entourage of at least 10 people.


2. To deal with and adapt to unexpected changes, setbacks, or challenges.

Look, we've just got to roll with the committee's decision. There's no use whining about it.

I had no idea it was going to be a double date, but I decided to just roll with it, and it actually turned out to be fun.


roll with it

To adapt to a situation despite unexpected circumstances or challenges.

I had no idea it was going to be a double date, but I decided to just roll with it, and it actually turned out to be fun.

The first act dropped out, so we're on in five minutes. I know we thought we'd have more time, but we're just going to have to roll with it.


-a step backwards :going back to a worse or less developed state:


The changes that have been introduced are being seen as a step backwards.


- sacred : considered to be holy and deserving respect, especially because of a connection with a god:


-suit verb [T] (BE RIGHT) : to be right for a particular person, situation, or occasion:


A lot of corn is grown in this area - the soil seems to suit it very well.

The city lifestyle seems to suit her - she looks great.


-suck it up : To endure a period of mental, physical, or emotional hardship with no complaining.


I don't care if you're sad, get out there, suck it up and deal with it!


-judgmental : too quick to criticize people:


You must try not to be so judgmental about people.



- condescending : showing that you consider yourself better or more intelligent:

His condescending attitude offended his teammates.


 condescend : to behave in a way which shows that you consider yourself to be better or more intelligent than other people: 


 He treats his players fairly and never condescends to them.



-pedantic : giving too much attention to formal rules or small details:


They were being unnecessarily pedantic by insisting that Berry himself, and not his wife, should have made the announcement.



- knock it off : used to tell someone to stop doing something that annoys you:


Oh, knock it off Alex, I'm really not in the mood for your jokes.


- dehydrate : to lose water, or to cause water to be lost from something, especially from a person's body:


Air travel dehydrates the body.

You'll dehydrate very quickly in this heat if you don't drink lots of water.



- feisty : active, forceful, and full of determination:


a feisty lady

He launched a feisty attack on the government.



- avalanche : a large amount of ice, snow, dirt, or rock falling suddenly and quickly down the side of a mountain


 An avalanche is also the sudden arrival of too many things:

 We received an avalanche of complaints.


- out of the blue :  If something happens out of the blue, it is completely unexpected:


One day, out of the blue, she announced that she was leaving.



- smudgy : (of a mark, etc.) having no particular shape, or without clear edges:


They wear leather jackets and smudgy black eye make-up.

There was a smudgy photograph, apparently taken at a party, which showed them together.




- budge :

verb [ I/T ]

US  /bʌdʒ/


to move or cause someone or something to move:

[ I ] The demonstrators would not budge from the governor’s office.

[ T ] We tried to open a window but couldn’t budge any of them.



- righteous

adjective   formal

UK  /ˈraɪ.tʃəs/ US  /ˈraɪ.tʃəs/


morally correct:

He was regarded as a righteous and holy man.

"It's not only morally righteous, it's good business," he said.




-Leaf blower : Person who's sole purpose is to make their mess the problem of other people.


Derivation: Leaf blowers blow mess out of the property into streets and lawns of other people and don't remove the mess, but just relocate it.

Leaf blowers are the epitome of what is wrong with society.


That leaf blower better not move their mess to my house!





- hang-up : a permanent and unreasonable feeling of anxiety about a particular feature of yourself:


sexual hang-ups

He's one of these men who went bald very young and has a terrible hang-up about it.




- hold out : to continue in a situation that is dangerous or difficult:


They won’t be able to hold out much longer against these attacks.


- impulse : a sudden strong wish to do something:


I had this sudden impulse to shout out "Nonsense!" in the middle of her speech.

impulse buy



- alley : a narrow road or path between buildings:


She walked quickly down the alley.



- clean up : to get a lot of money:



-crap out : 1. to make a losing throw in craps

                  2. to fail; withdraw

                  3. to rest













